See drop-downs for more detailed informaiton. Under the vision of being Captivated by, Transformed by and Gifting Away the Gospel, our ministries are the mechanisms that make the vision move. Below is a quick snapshot of each Ministry, along with a link to more information about the ministry.

Children's Ministry

Our children's ministry ministers to those just born through 5th grade. We provide many opportunies to come alongside parents for the spiritual growth of their children. Sunday School, Children's Church, Kids Night Out, Chistmas Pagaents, and Vacation Bible School are all outlets we used to encourage parents and their children in their journey.

Youth Ministry (YACC)

Youth at Christ Community exists to reconcile a culture of nobodies that want to tell everybody about somebody. Designed to come alongside parents as they raise their children, YACC provides age appropriate growth opporunities as they become active Church Members. 

Women's Ministry

Probably our most popular ministry at the church, our ladies get together regularly to study God's Word and encourage eachother by coming alongside one another in difficulies and praying together fervently. 

Men's Ministry

Meeting weekly for Bible Study and throughout the year in various other fashions, this ministry seeks to build and encourage men to take the role in leading and maintaining their households. Coming alongside younger men as they grow into those who will the next group who serve and love their families and their community.

Connect Groups

Connect Groups are small fellowships of eight to twelve people meeting in homes in various geographical areas. They are the first place we hope to which our people turn for applying the gospel to their lives. They are also at the heart of what we call building community, which is simply another word for the joys of sharing life together in pursuit of Jesus.


See various serving ministries HERE