Jan 10
Daily Questions for Encouraged Hearts
How do you prepare your heart to live in this world as a child of God? Rico Trice offers four questions to ground you daily into a gospel mentality.
Sept 12, 2021
Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urna vel neque tempus Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urn…
Do you have a plan for reading the Bible this year? As we approach 2016 one of the areas the session has discussed concerning our growth in Christ is reading through the Scripture together as a church. So, we would like to challenge you to read through the scriptures with us this year...and next!
Keep ReadingJan 10
How do you prepare your heart to live in this world as a child of God? Rico Trice offers four questions to ground you daily into a gospel mentality.
Jan 1
I came across an encouraging song and thought it would be good to share.
Nov 16
“But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift.” What this communicates is that those who share in the heritage of the faith while having the responsibility to guard the unity of the Spirit have personalities, callings and especially gifting which are not alike so that God establishes and preserves unity among us even in diversity.
Nov 15
What could be more encouraging than having God’s word to pray?
Jun 7
What are elders, and what do elders do?
Apr 19
“He moved through the days in peace and wonder, for his whole story had been told for the first time, and he found that he was still loved!” ~Andrew Peterson
Apr 4
It all began a few weeks ago when I was studying for Genesis 40. As I contemplated Joseph’s being in prison and the agony it must have been as God “hammered out” the formation He desired him to be for his calling, a song came into my mind that I had not listened to for several years. It is a song from Bebo Norman called, The Hammer Holds.
Mar 28
In part 2 of Helpful Technology, Patrick shares some of his favorite encouraging teaching supplements with you.
Mar 21
Some of my favorite phone apps are spiritual in nature and can be of great use for growth and encouragement.
Mar 13
"Be killing sin or it will be killing you.”
Jan 2
Bible Reading Plans for 2021!!
Apr 10
How do the witnesses in the Gospel witness help us understand the historical veracity of Jesus?
Mar 20
Nov 6
Want to do a deep dive into a specific book of the Bible to better understand it? This article gives you a few tips to help you along the way.
Oct 3
How might we use social media for His glory?
Feb 3
Do you remember those classes in college or graduate school that were like taking hold of a huge wrench, walking out your front door, finding the nearest fire hydrant, opening it up and taking a blast of water? Well, last Sunday morning we dove into 1 Peter 2:9-10.
Christ Community Church’s Every Member Commitment Sunday is designated for the purpose of challenging each of us as church family members to pause and consider our hearts before the Lord when it comes to our time, talents, spiritual gifts and treasures. This worksheet will be of great help to that purpose.
Jul 18
Sanctification is born of regeneration and justification, is empowered presently by the Spirit, and is promised completion for all who are in Christ. All this finds its beginning and fulfillment in through our union with Jesus Christ and Christ alone.
Jan 12
Do you have a plan for reading the Bible this year? As we approach 2016 one of the areas the session has discussed concerning our growth in Christ is reading through the Scripture together as a church. So, we would like to challenge you to read through the scriptures with us this year...and next!